
Vedanta Sempiternal Course – 6 Months

Vedanta Sempiternal Course - 6 Months

Vedanta Sempiternal Course is a 6 months online course. Watch and listen at your convenience. Preferably, between 5:00am – 6:00am. Valid for 6 months from the date of subscription. Ages 15 and above. Learn at your own pace. Plug-in and start imbibing life-changing lessons today.

Course Fee



Vedanta Sempiternal Course - 6 Months

Vedanta Sempiternal Course is a 6 months online course. Watch and listen at your convenience. Preferably, between 5:00am – 6:00am. Valid for 6 months from the date of subscription. Ages 15 and above. Learn at your own pace. Plug-in and start imbibing life-changing lessons today.

Course Fee



Knowing the Vedanta Philosophy

Vedanta is a science which deals with human beings. This philosophy begins and ends with the individual. It’s an encyclopaedia which has the compilation of subtlest thoughts pertaining to the transcendental Self. Rendered by several Enlightened sages of India. These greats dedicated their lives thousands of years ago to contemplate upon the mystery of human origin. The purpose of existence. The constitution of human inner nature. The effort of such crystalline contemplation culminated in the Vedanta philosophy. Which enunciated a path for every individual to reach the apogee of happiness. Unfortunately, present day humans have moved ahead in the world. Detaching from the roots to derive true happiness.

Little or no importance has been given to Vedantic education. People find themselves tormented by the deadly trait of an ungoverned mind. The lack of higher values absent in present day education have made humans weak. They find challenges in life difficult to handle. Mostly, amongst well-educated and the rich. Depression and stress related ailments have risen to alarming proportions. Divorce has reached record breaking numbers world-wide. The human mind turns deadly. When left unattended to make decisions by itself, in the absence of the intellect. Education then has failed to produce the desired effect of intellectual excellence. As greed has led to a decadence in the society. Humans constantly desire to amass ill gained wealth and devour millions, billions – without paying any heed to the others living juxtaposed in denial. Ultimately, the greedy only find themselves isolated and lonely.

Knowledge gained from the university’s has no doubt raised the standard of human living. With the idea of earning wealth to have better amenities, home, surroundings etc. Humans are surely indulging in the modern world. But are they happy? Therefore universities – should now engage in a survey. How many graduated alumni are well balanced to handle oneself and worldly experiences they meet everyday.

Few cares about intellectual education, which is one of the core of the Vedanta philosophy. An education which is beyond the precincts of secular education provided by schools and universities. Furthermore, it helps one to identify one’s  quiddity. Then one can work in a suitable environment to manifest and realise one’s talent.

The educated should mull over the graph of gross atrocities in the world today. These unfortunate events in some manners have gripped all families in the world. Humans today have turned sour due to their expectations which remain unfulfilled by their near and dear ones. Children are not cooperating with parents. Waiting to leave homes the moment they reach the periphery of youth. Therefore, the necessity of building a value system in such a society is to be looked into imminently. The good and spiritual side of humans has to be tapped. Knowledge of Vedanta impacts an individual to harness one’s mind by imbibing its education to gain wisdom. It creates collectively awakened humans to find success in the world and peace with their nature. Only a person who has found peace with oneself, can find peace in the world.

Prayagraj Hule the founder has experience of nearly three decades of study, research and dissemination of the Vedanta Philosophy. His astute skill has been instrumental in developing this life transformation course. His technique of teaching using practical concepts, anecdotes, examples, humour and parable’s have touched many lives. Imbibing the knowledge of Vedanta would fulfil the purpose of education, and that is to awaken one’s intellect. Ultimately make it your companion, by which one does not depend upon any external objects or relationship to bring peace in one’s life. The study of this course daily between 5am-6am will help every student age 15 and above to find a joy in performing one’s obligation and derive true nectar from the philosophy. Furthermore, handle any situation experienced in the world with clarity, cheer and dynamism. Moreover, transform a mere student into a seeker, who then pursues the path of Self-Realisation.

Bhaja Govindam 

The Bhaja Govindam is a universally acclaimed text based on the tenets of Vedanta philosophy. Its practical composition by Adi Shankaracharya from India in the 8th century, enunciates laws required by humans to comprehend follow and live life practically.

Shankaracharya’s mature wisdom introduces the main theme of an unprepared individual in the world, searching and chasing temporary happiness. Shankaracharya’s panoramic view of life emerges from the absorption of knowledge and vision thereof – documenting a repetitive human biography as it were. Right from birth, humans tend to follow a monotonous pattern of life. Fret to acquire, fail to enjoy. Then finally approach being unprepared, the dreadful experience of death.

Adi Shankaracharya shares his experience, technique to relate and draw real happiness from the world. While doing so he draws our attention to seek the Self. Which is the ultimate abode of permanent Happiness. A destination of every human being irrespective of caste, creed and religion. This then frees individuals from the routine cycle of birth and death.

These 31 verses act as a wake-up call for all to pause, delve into the mundane existence and activity. To further lift oneself from a mechanical living and shift the focus towards the Eternal Self.

In this course every verse has been read and explained sequentially. Listening to Bhaja Govindam hammers the delusion of the ignorant mind. Raises one to the true potential. Students of Vedanta Sempiternal will relate to the message of this melodious and deep meaning text.

Parables – Wisdom from the World

Parables, inspirational stories, anecdotes and life lessons have had an important role in education from time immemorial. These have been segregated from Prayagraj Hule’s talks and produced separately as individual pieces. There are stories from all over the world. The moral of these episodes are important to imbibe. Wise humans learn primarily from knowledge and others experience. Students of Vedanta Sempiternal will find them as useful aids to their main study.

Mahabharata (Preview Lectures)

The Mahabharata is a great Indian Epic. Maha – Great. Bharat – India. It means the great war fought for India. When levels of righteousness descend. Finally plummeting to the lowest, due to the ones in power becoming iniquitous. Virtue has to be restored. If not, then immorality steadily becomes the culture of societal behaviour. To bring decadence of character. Effecting in the innocent citizens getting victimised.

After various dialogues, inducement, intervention of powerful elders and failing of moral persuasion. The two royal families were unable to bring forth justice and reconciliation. War then reached its zero hour of the battle.

The Kauravas were one side of the royal cousins led by their eldest brother Duryodhana. Whose thinking capacity was shrouded with conceit and therefore couldn’t weigh equality with his cousin royal brothers, the Pandavas. Duryodhana would not hand over their fair share of the kingdom. Yudhistir the eldest brother of the Pandavas, appealed in various ways to Duryodhana. He was happy to relinquish his rightful claim to the throne. Which was deceitfully acquired by Duroyodhana in exchange of five states for himself and four brothers. When denied and told off by Duryodhana, ‘you’ll will not get even five places for cremation after you die.’ This triggered a retaliatory reaction in Arjuna, third brother and the commander in chief of Pandavas. Lord Krishna the main protagonist, a child hood friend of Arjuna and cousin brother of the Pandavas. Exerted hard to bring truce. However, when Duryodhana was still obstinate and thought that he can win the war, kill his cousins, usurp the throne and become the unparalleled ruler. Then war was inevitable. Arjuna’s fire to seek revenge for the atrocity meted out to his brothers and to uplift the people from anarchy caused by Duryodhana during his rule. Suddenly, became in efficacious when the actual time of battle arrived. Arjuna buckled to his minds emotions and capitulated to exit the battle. Lord Krishna who was on the side of the Pandavas, then gave out the famous sermon of the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna. Imbibing this universal philosophy, resurrected the grief stricken Arjuna to realise his duty and fight the battle, importantly win it.

Where the story began. Bheeshma a great prince, the actual heir to the throne is an idol to emulate. Another important character to study and get inspired. He finally finds peace and then departs from his body, knowing the outcome of war, virtue will win over vice. He wanted to ensure the upliftment of morality in the kingdom and its people. Bheeshma’s ultimate sacrifice in his youth for his father, the first king and the power of renunciation for a higher cause was eventually realised.

Mahabharata narrated and explained by Prayagraj Hule is unique, as the philosophical study benefits the listener to transform one’s character.

People all over the world are amidst the unexpected turmoil in one’s life. They deal with several external factors and individuals over which they have no control. Only to feel like victims by the unscrupulous and blame life to be unfair. A war like situation.

The Mahabharata has nearly hundred thousand verses, making this the longest ever epic in the history of the world. This historical war took place almost five thousand years ago. But its relevance is still applicable today and will be for future generations. Furthermore, the most ideal text to learn in the present dynamic work life balance. This elucidation has both the advantage of psychology and subtleness of philosophy. A rare combination to find peace and success in the world.

Note: The Mahabharata course is ongoing, live recorded lectures will be updated when available.

Students of Vedanta Sempiternal will find its study an enriching experience.