
Discover Vedanta Philosophy

The word Ved Anta is made of two words :

  • Veda वेद — refers to the four sacred Vedas.
  • Anta अंत — this word means “end”.
    a. It refers to knowledge at the end of four Vedas. The sacred Upanishads.
    b. All knowledges in the world present finite, unending data leading to evanescent satisfaction. Vedanta alone renders the knowledge of the infinite Self, Brahman. Comparatively no knowledge higher, hence end of knowledge.

The Four Vedas –
Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda.

The ten Principal Upanishads are –
Isa – Yajurveda, Kena – Samaved, Katha – Yajurveda, Prasna – Atharvaveda, Mundaka – Atharvaveda, Mandukya – Atharvaveda, Taittirya – Yajurveda, Maitreya – Rigveda, Chandogya – Samaveda, Brhdaranyaka – Yajurveda

This knowledge was taught by parents to their children. Gurus to disciples via discourses. Between the ages of 8-23. Students reflected, also debated amongst themselves to consolidate the knowledge. This made astute in the world and resolute on the path of Self Realisation.

The Vedanta Sempiternal course aims to resurrect the above essence. Offers a deep dive into the profound wisdom by guiding you in the world and on a journey towards Self-discovery.

Discover Vedanta Philosophy

The word Ved Anta is made of two words :

  • Veda वेद — refers to the four sacred Vedas.
  • Anta अंत — this word means “end”. a. It refers to the knowledge which is given at the end of the 4 Vedas in the form of Upanishads. b. There is no higher knowledge than the knowledge of the Self, Brahman. Hence end of knowledge.

The Four Vedas:

  • Rigveda
  • Samaveda
  • Yajurveda
  • Atharvaveda

The ten Principal Upanishads are:

  • Isa , Yajurveda
  • Kena , Samaveda
  • Katha , Yajurveda
  • Prasna , Atharvaveda
  • Mundaka , Atharvaveda
  • Mandukya , Atharvaveda
  • Taittirya , Yajurveda
  • Maitreya , Rigveda
  • Chandogya , Samaveda
  • Brhdaranyaka ,Yajurveda
This knowledge was taught by parents to their children, by Gurus to disciples in the form of discourses. Between the age of 8-25. Students debated amongst themselves to attain a firm base, which made them resolute in their path of Self Realisation.The Vedanta Sempiternal course aims to resurrect the above essence. Offers a deep dive into the profound wisdom by guiding you on a journey of spiritual growth towards Self-discovery.
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The Gurukul With You

This course is designed for those seeking refined success, mental balance, intellectual excellence and Enlightenment. For ages 15 & above. Designed with expertise and research nearing three decades. Plug-in and start imbibing life-changing lessons at your own pace & convenience. Preferably, between 5:00am – 6:00am.
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Course Intro

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Vedanta Philosophy

Education for Enlightenment

112 Lectures

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Bhaja Govindam

Handbook of Life

19 Lectures

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Get Inspired

13 Lectures

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When Virtue was Restored

46 Lectures


Get Inspired

13 Lectures


When Virtue was Restored

40 Lectures

“The effort to imbibe knowledge remains a quest till one dabbles with secular knowledge. The moment humans endeavour to seek Self knowledge, this quest becomes a destination”

 – Prayagraj Hule

The Quest

In our journey through life, we often seek knowledge from the outside world. This pursuit of secular wisdom, while valuable, is an endless quest - always leaving us searching for more.

The Destination

Vedanta offers a profound shift in perspective. By turning our gaze inward and seeking Self-knowledge, we transform our endless quest into a meaningful destination - a journey of self-discovery and inner peace.

“The effort to imbibe secular knowledge remains a never ending quest. When humans endeavour to seek Self knowledge, this quest becomes the destination”

 – Prayagraj Hule

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Vedanta Sempiternal

Vedanta Sempiternal

Education for Enlightenment

The 6 Quintessential Strands of Education:

Teachings at the ancient Vedanta Gurukuls of India



Way to Enlightenment



Way to Enlightenment

World changes Laws don't.
Ancient Laws of Vedanta Taught in Contemporaneity.


World changes. Laws don't.
Ancient Laws of Vedanta Taught in Contemporaneity.

Start Young

Know Yourself to Find Success

Education for Enlightenment

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Education for Enlightenment

The 6 Quintessential Strands of Education

Education for Enlightenment

The 6 Quintessential Strands of Education

Education for Enlightenment

The 6 Quintessential Strands of Education

The essence of education begins and ends with the individual.

The field of education is amalgamation of human quiddity with a suitable environment to manifest and realise one’s talent.

The purpose of education is to learn, attain intellectual excellence – that is all. Riches, fame, power and everything else follows.

The test of education lies in a balanced individual, able to handle one’s mind and worldly experiences with ease when coalesced.

The effect of education brings forth satisfaction within. Then work, relationships are handled with dynamism and affability. The world with ministration.

The realisation of true education is when the human being merges with one’s true Self. Achieves Self Realisation. Attains infinite Happiness.