
The only knowledge which prescribes the laws of living. Helps you find purpose, renders clarity in choice, and ushers one to the pinnacle of human Perfection.

To understand limitations of the finite quest. The course aids to discover your metier and the missing answers of life. Which cannot be found in the contemporaneity of school and university education. It is designed for all above the age of 15. Youth will specially benefit from the early start. Forty minutes of the course everyday will keep your body fit, mental health balanced, develop and refine the intellect. Seekers of spiritual knowledge will clearly comprehend the practice of Hatha Yoga and ill timed meditation, as different from the true meaning of Spirituality.

Unearths your true potential. Renders a proper behaviour in your actions. Steer feelings towards a higher idol as gratitude and affection as love for all living beings. Provides the intellect a feed with information pertaining to the Transcendental. Which then prepares the seeker for meditation.

Any birth is to accomplish a purpose. It seems from the inception of human beings. All movement is towards finding joy in the world and peace beyond. However, this mere existence in search of peace has only recycled humans in various births and deaths, propelled by desires. We have a similar mechanical life in every birth. It’s just that our roles are different. Some births as poor and then as rich. But both these are searching for the same common factor in the world. That is happiness. Hence great self realised souls have averred. Infinite experience of joy, love and peace starts to coming your way only when a human is on the path of the Self. When you use free will and rise beyond desires, ultimately to eradicated them. You then end birth and conquer death. We are born to move from a mere finite life to become the infinite Self.

To use the world for Self Realisation.

Yes, for those who are willing to fulfil its essence, sanctity and purpose which is to progress together in life. No, for those who are highly impetuous.

Anything physical has to age. That's the rule of nature.

To create space for others to realise their desires. Furthermore, to fulfil the residual of the previous, and new set of desires in the next life.

Documented - is nearly 1500 BCE. But the Rishis contemplated, practised and discovered a State and concluded. Brahma Satyam, Jagat Mithya. The state of Self Realisation, the Self is real, the world unreal. An illusion. This must have been nearly seven thousand years back.

Hatha Yoga is documented to be found 1200 years ago. The other three Karma, Bhakti & Gnana Yoga's along with Vedanta Philosophy.

The Vedanta Philosophy creates a ripple of Love and identification to encompass all living beings on this planet. As everyone has definite role to play, maintaining a harmony while co-existing. When animals are tortured, brutally handled and mercilessly killed then global warming preempts itself as a warning for us to become aware and change our behaviour.

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